| Democratic Republic of Congo | 2022 | Value-chain analysis study on agriculture, livestock and fishing activities for a food security project in the bordering zone of Upemba National Park, province of Haut Katanga |

 | Home-based | 2021-2022 | Research and data analysis with the University of Utrecht (The Netherlands) within the GBADS program (Global Burden of Animal Diseases) for a case study related to the dairy cattle sector in The Netherlands. |

 | Home-based | 2020-2021 | Bibliographical research and reporting for the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on major animal diseases of livestock, in the context of the new European Animal Health Law. |
 | > Chad
> Madagascar | 2022
2021 | > Support to the writing of a project proposal for the phase 2 of the project “RESILAC”: Inclusive Economic and social recovery project for the Lake Chad bordering countries (Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon), funded by EU and AFD
> Evaluation of the impact of the 2020 drought in South Madagascar on the livestock and agriculture sector and study about the typology of livestock and cash crop Farmers’ associations |
 | Madagascar | 2021 | 2 expert missions : evaluation of the breeding practices in traditional goat breeding in Southern Madagascar and design and setting up of a goat breeding genetic improvement strategy (Project AFAFI-Sud) |
 | France | 2020 | Epidemiologist at the Public Health Regional Unit in Northern France : follow-up and management of clusters and transmission chains of COVID-19 human cases; surveillance of epidemiological indicators; support to the improvement of a software to manage cases and contact persons. |

 | Belgium | 2012 till 2020 | > Surveillance of endemic diseases of cattle (IBR/BVD/Bluetongue/Brucellosis) in the context of national disease control and eradication programs: technical evaluation and validation of diagnostic tests, epidemiological and serological surveys > Trend analysis study about antimicrobial resistance in livestock > Technical Manager at the National Reference laboratory, Unit for endemic and emerging Viral diseases |
| > Niger
> South Sudan
> Lake Chad Region | 2019 + 2022
| > Veterinary delegate, in charge of the livestock support program as part of the assistance and reinforcement of the economic security of pastoral and agro-pastoral populations in Niger
> Evaluation of the capacities and of the involvement of the Ministry of Livestock in the veterinary program of ICRC in South Sudan > Team Leader for the livestock support program for pastoral communities affected by the conflict in south Sudan
> Evaluation of the ICRC Livestock programme in the Lake Chad basin (Cameroun, Chad, Niger) |
 | > Chad
> Mali
| 2019
| > Design of pilot activities « One Health » combining animal and human health in pastoralist communities as part of the Program PASTOR
> Study mission about local feed resources for dairy cows and technical/economical feasability study of the goat dairy value-chain in the region of Sikasso |
 | People’s Democratic Republic of Korea | 2019 | Design and delivery of a training session (theory and practice) about goat pathology and goat breeding for 20 teaching/research staff at the Agriculture University of Haeju |
 | Togo | 2019 | Trainer about project monitoring and evaluation in a regional workshop about animal pass-on schemes in livestock projects supported by Elevages Sans Frontières and its local partners |
 | Mozambique | 2018 | Review of the implementation of the dairy cattle breeding policy (breeding bulls and artificial insemination) and of the heifer pass-on scheme. |
 | Burkina Faso Niger | 2016 | Animal health expert for a monitoring mission of the regional Support Project to Pastoralism in Sahel (PRAPS) funded by World Bank |

 | Nigeria | 2014 | Trainer in epidemiology and Geographical information systems (GIS) during a Foot and Mouth disease workshop, at the National Veterinary Research Institute in Vom – Nigeria ; within an O.I.E. twinning programme with CODA-CERVA |
 | Tanzania | 2012- 2013 | Project manager (Technical assistance) for a Food security project to support agro-pastoral Masai communities affected by drought |
 | Senegal | 2010 | Epidemiological study (longitudinal cohort survey) in villages of the river Senegal Region:
clinical and nutritional survey, serological and parasitological screening, entomological captures, data management and statistical analysis (multivariate logistic regression). |
 | Belgium | 2008-2009 | Evaluation of socio-economic losses for farmers due to the bluetongue disease outbreak in livestock in Wallonia (Belgium). |
 | Ethiopia | 2001 2002 | Situation assessment and writing of a project proposal followed by a mission to supervise the kick-off of a project to support agro-pastoral populations in the Eastern Region of Ethiopia |
 | Cape verde islands | 1997-1998 | Project of the Cooperation of the Luxemburg (Lux Development) to improve the goat value-chain : animal feeding, veterinary care, dairy production |

 | Madagascar | 1992-1993 | AVSF : Technical adviser for agricultural activities of the Biosphere Project (UNDP/UNESCO) for the conservation of the rainforest and the rural development of villages around the protected areas Technical assistant for rural development activities "Food for work" in drought affected areas: |
 | Ethiopia | 1989 1991 | Logistician for a mass vaccination campaign against human meningitis and for a medical and nutritional assistance programme in Somali refugee camps. |