
Non-exhaustive list

Agency CountryPeriod Achievements
Democratic Republic of Congo2022Value-chain analysis study on agriculture, livestock and fishing activities for a food security project in the bordering zone of Upemba National Park, province of Haut Katanga

Home-based2021-2022Research and data analysis with the University of Utrecht (The Netherlands) within the GBADS program (Global Burden of Animal Diseases) for a case study related to the dairy cattle sector in The Netherlands.

Home-based2020-2021Bibliographical research and reporting for the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on major animal diseases of livestock, in the context of the new European Animal Health Law.
> Chad

> Madagascar

> Support to the writing of a project proposal for the phase 2 of the project “RESILAC”: Inclusive Economic and social recovery project for the Lake Chad bordering countries (Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon), funded by EU and AFD

> Evaluation of the impact of the 2020 drought in South Madagascar on the livestock and agriculture sector and study about the typology of livestock and cash crop Farmers’ associations
Madagascar20212 expert missions : evaluation of the breeding practices in traditional goat breeding in Southern Madagascar and design and setting up of a goat breeding genetic improvement strategy (Project AFAFI-Sud) 
France2020Epidemiologist at the Public Health Regional Unit in Northern France : follow-up and management of clusters and transmission chains of COVID-19 human cases; surveillance of epidemiological indicators; support to the improvement of a software to manage cases and contact persons.

> Surveillance of endemic diseases of cattle (IBR/BVD/Bluetongue/Brucellosis) in the context of national disease control and eradication programs: technical evaluation and validation of diagnostic tests, epidemiological and serological surveys
> Trend analysis study about antimicrobial resistance in livestock
> Technical Manager at the National Reference laboratory, Unit for endemic and emerging Viral diseases

> Niger

> South Sudan

> Lake Chad Region
+ 2022



> Veterinary delegate, in charge of the livestock support program as part of the assistance and reinforcement of the economic security of pastoral and agro-pastoral populations in Niger

> Evaluation of the capacities and of the involvement of the Ministry of Livestock in the veterinary program of ICRC in South Sudan
> Team Leader for the livestock support program for pastoral communities affected by the conflict in south Sudan 

> Evaluation of the ICRC Livestock programme in the Lake Chad basin (Cameroun, Chad, Niger)
> Chad

> Mali

> Design of pilot activities « One Health » combining animal and human health in pastoralist communities as part of the Program PASTOR

> Study mission about local feed resources for dairy cows and technical/economical feasability study of the goat dairy value-chain in the region of Sikasso
People’s Democratic Republic of Korea2019Design and delivery of a training session (theory and practice) about goat pathology and goat breeding for 20 teaching/research staff at the Agriculture University of Haeju
Togo2019Trainer about project monitoring and evaluation in a regional workshop about animal pass-on schemes in livestock projects supported by Elevages Sans Frontières and its local partners
Mozambique2018Review of the implementation of the dairy cattle breeding policy (breeding bulls and artificial insemination) and of the heifer pass-on scheme.
Burkina Faso
2016Animal health expert for a monitoring mission of the regional Support Project to Pastoralism in Sahel (PRAPS) funded by World Bank

Nigeria2014Trainer in epidemiology and Geographical information systems (GIS) during a Foot and Mouth disease workshop, at the National Veterinary Research Institute in Vom – Nigeria ; within an O.I.E. twinning programme with CODA-CERVA
Project manager (Technical assistance) for a Food security project to support agro-pastoral Masai communities affected by drought
Senegal2010Epidemiological study (longitudinal cohort survey) in villages of the river Senegal Region: clinical and nutritional survey, serological and parasitological screening, entomological captures, data management and statistical analysis (multivariate logistic regression).
Belgium2008-2009Evaluation of socio-economic losses for farmers due to the bluetongue disease outbreak in livestock in Wallonia (Belgium).
Situation assessment and writing of a project proposal followed by a mission to supervise the kick-off of a project to support agro-pastoral populations in the Eastern Region of Ethiopia
Cape verde islands1997-1998Project of the Cooperation of the Luxemburg (Lux Development) to improve the goat value-chain : animal feeding, veterinary care, dairy production

Madagascar1992-1993AVSF : Technical adviser for agricultural activities of the Biosphere Project (UNDP/UNESCO) for the conservation of the rainforest and the rural development of villages around the protected areas
Technical assistant for rural development activities "Food for work" in drought affected areas:
Logistician for a mass vaccination campaign against human meningitis and for a medical and nutritional assistance programme in Somali refugee camps.
Theme: Overlay by Kaira Copyright : Vetogreen 2020
Lille, France