
VetoGreen proposes its services in the field of expertise of Animal health, Epidemiology, Food security

Here are a few examples :

Development projects and Relief programs :
Village survey Tanzania
Field survey, Tanzania, 2013
  • exploratory missions, baseline surveys before or at the first stage of a project
  • preparation and writing of project documents (logical framework, full text, budget)
  • mid-term and final project evaluation
  • technical assistance : support and advising, expertise about specific topics
  • project management and activities implementation
Scientific and Epidemiological studies
Veterinary Laboratory, Nigeria, 2014
  • Field surveys : questionnaires, participatory epidemiology
  • data management : creation of databases, statistical analysis, interpretation of the data, production of charts, GIS maps
  • diseases seroprevalence studies, sampling plans, study of risk factors
  • evaluation of laboratory diagnostic tests
  • reporting and writing of articles to be published
  • bibliographical studies
Training and Capacity building
  • design of training modules adapted to the requested level and topic
  • provision of training sessions tailored for technical and scientific staff (community health workers, livestock public services, laboratory staff, scientists)
  • writing of technical articles for extension purposesTraining goats Korea

Discover our achievements ...

Training in goat pathology

University of Haeju, North Korea, 2019

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Copyright : Vetogreen 2020
Lille, France